Episode 36: The Steinbeck Stage (or, Fresh Points of Bel Aire, Part 3)

Johnny and Tim finally meet at the DC Pen Show!

Johnny and Tim finally meet at the DC Pen Show!

It’s that time of year again, when the air smells like pencils, PBJ and school bus vinyl. We are back from nearly a month Off the Air, since we took turns being insanely busy at the end of August. Join us as fight against Big Ink, talk about the latest Target-exclusive Ticonderogas, delicious spirits and which pencils we have in our paws tonight.

Pencil of the Week

Neon Dixon Ticonderogas from Target
(Johnny's review at Pencil Revolution)

  • Johnny: B
  • Tim: B-
  • Andy: C (though not sure if he's using the right pencil)