Episode 3: Indepen(cil)dance Day

Happy National Pencil Day! It was this day in, 1858, 156 years ago, that Hyman Lipman patented the first pencil with its own eraser. To celebrate, we're breaking our usual bi-weekly format to bring you a special "live" episode. (We can't, of course, really go live, but we can post it right away without editing.) Rather than a "main topic", we'll just cover a few pencil points, and then draw winners for our giveaway!

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Episode 2: A Ferrule to Arms

We humbly present The Pencil Glossary episode, in which you will learn everything you ever wanted to know, and everything which is indispensable for you to know, about the anatomy of pencils and the terms we employ when we talk about pencils. Tim tells us about ferrules and erasers and how the two came to meet. Andy explains the process of Woodclinching and how wood becomes a pencil. Johnny talks about the graphite core and pencils and Thoreau. Before that, we chat about the spring 2014 Field Notes, the new Blackwing 602 vs. the old and assorted other Pencilnalia. Join us next week for a special March 30th Pencil Day episode! And be sure to listen closely to this episode for a fun giveaway we’re conducting (Around 17:30).

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Episode 1: The Inaugural Episode

So the audio's a little rough, and we ramble about the philosophical implications of writing with wooden pencils, but Erasable is up and live with our inaugural episode! We're starting off with some basics: our origin stories, why we started blogging about pencils, our top favorites, and the characteristics of a good pencil. We'll be back next time with a glossary episode: the terms we use when we talk about pencils.

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