Plumbago Magazine
a zine companion to The Erasable Podcast
Plumbago Magazine is a bi-annual print companion to the Erasable Podcast. We feature memoir, fiction, comics, illustrations, poetry, and other compelling stories celebrating pencils, stationery and all things analog.
Now available: Plumbago 7, the Tiny Issue
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Each issue eventually will go on sale as a PDF download for half-price after it sells out, or after a newer issue is released, whichever happens sooner. Looking for Issue 1? Purchase Issue 2 — it’s available as a free download inside the book.
Latest Updates
Our sixth issue is nigh. As Plumbago enters its third year, we’re playing around with topics and themes. One pattern we see over and over again is that of writing, drawing, and creating in nature, and while traveling.
For our Winter 2019 issue, we’re taking a step back from just stationery to look at another topic near and dear to our hearts — collecting and collections.
This time around, we’re focusing on creative nonfiction and memoir, organized around the question, “how has analog changed my life?” Our pages are full of childhood memories, comics, illustrations, graphic narratives, and more. And thanks to regular contributor and now editor Harry C. Marks, we’re even more confident in our overall package.
A few months ago, we put out a call for contributions to our upcoming creative nonfiction issue of Plumbago! We've had some amazing responses. From old IBM analog tech to writing in the margins of one's book, this is shaping up to be a great issue.
Our world-famous fiction and poetry issue has been out for a couple months now (and this time, we printed enough to last us a while!) so it’s time to start looking ahead toward Issue 4. This time around, we want to get a little more serious with the editorial direction. We’re looking for shining examples of creative nonfiction and personal narrative about how analog has shaped your life.