Check out this incredible cover design by Ana Reinert from Well-Appointed Desk!
This time around, we’re focusing on creative nonfiction and memoir, organized around the question, “how has analog changed my life?” Our pages are full of childhood memories, comics, illustrations, graphic narratives, and more. And thanks to regular contributor and now editor Harry C. Marks, we’re even more confident in our overall package.
Just a few of the stories you’ll find are:
Toffer Surovec with his personal essay of school supplies and learning disabilities
Dan Lilie with a history of IBM and pencils
Jess Barrett Sattell and her visual story about Japanese color swatches
The Erasable Podcast’s own Johnny Gamber and how analog made him an internet-extrovert
…All bound together by a cover drawn by The Well-Appointed Desk’s Ana Reinert.
You’re placing a pre-order, which means you probably won’t get your issue for another month.
Pre-ordering help us out because they provide the necessary capital to cover printing and postage. They also guarantee availability (previous issues have sold out within days). We’ll be in touch with updates between when you order and when we're sending out the books.
Profits will be donated to the National Immigrant Law Center.
Revenue from this zine go directly to printing, assembly, and mailing costs. Leftover proceeds will be donated to the National Immigrant Law Center, a national immigration rights advocacy organization dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income. Read more about the organization at
Oh! And PS: Plumbago, Issue 3 is now available as a PDF: