This week, Tim, Johnny and Andy are keeping Musgrave Weird with their top five pencils at the moment, to kick off 2016. They (belatedly) explain the Palomino Blackwing 1138 in a bit more detail, including the symbology of “1138” and how George Lucas pays tribute to it. Dive deep with the Bugle Boys into the land of graphite and wood!
Read MoreEpisode 42: Tombow Mono C3PO and the Blackwing Falcon
We're ringing out 2015 with a special guest from The Emerald Isle: T.J. Cosgrove. Our Four Veritable Pencil Heroes rap about the best pencils of 2015 and what brought Mr. Cosgrove into film-making in general and Wood & Graphite movies in particular. We're also still a bit obsessed with the new Star Wars movie (don't miss the special guest appearance by Henry Wasem at the beginning telling us about his favorite Star Wars character!) Don’t wrap up 2015 with any other pencil podcast!
Read MoreEpisode 41: Hitting the Marks (Not Literally)
Tonight, during your last chance to complete NaNoWriMo, we are joined by writer and podcaster Harry C. Marks, host of Covered, a podcast about books and authorship. Harry has written at least one book by hand while on a journey to find his grail pencil for longform writing, and we discuss it in depth. Plus, Johnny has some big personal news, and we discuss his body hair for way too long.
Read MoreEpisode 40: I, Pencil Nerd
The trio reunites, and Erasable is over the hill! After over 55 hours recording, it's time to pull out the black balloons and suggestive birthday cards. Andy, Johnny, and Tim cover a slew of fresh points and discuss how their pencil habits and preferences have changed since the show’s conception. Also, Tim’s been really into the Grateful Dead, which may or may not explain his absence of late.
Read MoreEpisode 39: A Thoreau Discussion About Plumbago
Tonight, we have done some time-traveling and are very happy to bring you a true American Pencil Hero. Your hosts coast through our usual Bi-Weekly Pencil Awesomeness, with Fresh Points and Pencil Opinions galore. Then we put up a truly special Skype connection and talk to Henry David Thoreau himself. Join us for a veritably anachronistic episode of Erasable.
Read MoreEpisode 38: Wax On, Wax Off: The Inner Peace of Colored Pencils with Ana Reinert
For our second live-streaming episode, we are finally tackling colored pencils with special guest Ana Reinert, Chair of The Well-Appointed Desk. Ana shares her expertise, and Andy and Johnny gawk in awe. We talk about the latest Blackwing Volumes edition, the 211.
Read MoreEpisode 37: What’s the 211, Buster?
In this historic episode of Erasable, the guys experiment with a lifestream during the episode. So forgive us if we're distracted by a chat room from time to time. In this episode, we're discussing the big news from the last couple of weeks! A new Field Notes edition, a new Blackwing Volumes edition, the Steinbeck Pencil World Tour, and way, way, more.
Read MoreEpisode 36: The Steinbeck Stage (or, Fresh Points of Bel Aire, Part 3)
It’s that time of year again, when the air smells like pencils, PBJ and school bus vinyl. We are back from nearly a month Off the Air, since we took turns being insanely busy at the end of August. Join us as fight against Big Ink, talk about the latest Target-exclusive Ticonderogas, delicious spirits and which pencils we have in our paws tonight.
Read MoreEpisode 35: Land of the Rising Pun: What Makes Japanese Pencils So Special
Your three pencil hosts are all back together again, and we are joined by our favorite pencil shopkeep, Caroline Weaver. She tells us about the allure of Japanese pencils and lists a few of her favorite Japanese offerings. We ditch the fake drink segment and replace it with Unprecedented Insight into our true Drinking Tastes.
Read MoreEpisode 34: More and More and More and More and More with Mike Dudek
In this episode, Tim flies solo and chats with Mike Dudek from The Clicky Post and Dudek Modern Goods. Mike and Tim talk about the origins of the Dudek Modern Goods pen/pencil stands, why people who love good pencils and fountain pens suffer from similar brands of insanity, and when to say “enough is enough” and focus on using this stuff. Basically, Mike and Tim help you from turning into the Thorin Oakenshield of pencils.
Read MoreEpisode 33: Cover Me
Tonight, we are joined by the amazing Cody Williams, maker of beautiful bags, nifty notebook covers and wonderful wallets. Your hosts rap with our Red-Bearded Friend about leather, pencils, paper and general awesomeness. Join us for more bizarre cocktails and our Pencil of the Week.
Read MoreEpisode 32: Yippie Cahier, [EXPLETIVE DELETED]
Lots of people hoard limited edition pocket notebooks, and lots of people use them. In this episode, your hosts reveal intimate details about their own notebook use and abuse and share some of their contents. This is a very special, cuddly episode of Erasable that will keep you awake at night — at least until we release another episode in two weeks.
Read MoreEpisode 31: KUM Masterpiece Theatre
Due to popular demand, Andy, Johnny and Tim have compiled a list of their current top five pencils. The guys discuss their lists, chat about the Blackwing 725, and the new Field Notes Workshop Companion edition. Possibly the first Pencil Podcast Review of the KUM Masterpiece in North America, your hosts also wax graphisophical about what might be the best longpoint blade sharpener ever.
Read MoreEpisode 30: Tim's ExistPENCIL Crisis
On the occasion of our thirtieth episode, we are joined by Chris Rothe, of Baltimore’s Write Notepads & Co. We rap with Chris about brass-ruled paper, his left-handed pencil designs and WNP&Co’s philanthropic work, as well as discuss some new developments in the stationery-by-subscription world.
Read MoreEpisode 29: Tintentod (“Ink Death”)
While we spoke briefly about the first Erasable Book Club Book, The Perfection of the Paper Clip by James Ward on the last episode, tonight we really dig in. We also have stories to tell about the first Material World meet-up between two of our hosts and return visits to CW Pencil Enterprise. Listen in to see if you share a favorite chapter with The Guys and to find out the truth of Andy’s really being taller in real life.
Read MoreEpisode 28: Clips, Tacks and Kraft Paperbacks
Tonight, Tim, Johnny and Andy are joined by Bryan Bedell, from Field Notes HQ. You might recognize Bryan from the amazing videos Field Notes puts out with some of their special editions. In addition to this great guest, your hosts will be briefly discussing our first Erasable Book Club Book, The Perfection of the Paper Clip, by James Ward.
Read MoreEpisode 27: Going Full Hamster
Who needs fancy fountain pens and archival inks for writing when the Journalling Bug hits you? If you’ve got a pencil, you’ve got a medium which will allow your deepest thoughts to last until you are just a little pile of carbon atoms yourself. The guys rap about journalling in pencil, announce the giveaway winners from our anniversary. And Fresh Points. There’s always Fresh Points. And Johnny almost gets voted out of the show! But fear not: he's still with us.
Read MoreEpisode 26: One Year of Pencil Ramblings
(Cue party music) Has it been a year already? Your favorite Pencil Pushers are starting off their second year of Casting the Pod, AND celebrating International Pencil Day, with an amazing episode. In addition to three weeks’ worth of Fresh Points and thoughts on the spring 2015 Field Notes, we are lucky enough to be joined by Caroline Weaver, proprietor of CW Pencil Enterprise, an actual wooden pencil shop in New York. Tune in for details about multiple excellent giveaways and for all manner of penciliciousness.
Read MoreEpisode 25: The Laddie's Man (or, Fresh Points of Bel Aire, Part 2)
In our second all-Fresh Points episode, we take a breather before our upcoming one year anniversary. We also dish on the Palomino Blackwing 602, one of the most talked-out pencils available today. Just a note: Due to a Skype fart, the last part of this show was recorded several days later than the first part.
Read MoreEpisode 24: The Big Notebookski
In the fourth and final installment of Erasable’s episodes on paper, Andy, Johnny and Tim explore the virtues of the large-format book. Your fearless hosts tackle over-sized journals, big notepads and even the Master of all notebooks. This is the paper episode to end all paper episodes.
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