Bullet journaling is everywhere! But often the books you see are full of colors and drawings and all sorts of ink. Tonight, join your three hosts and special guest Jacob Cecil in a discussion of bullet journaling in dark grey — pencil all the way.
Read MoreEpisode 123: Chasing the Details (with special guest Jinnie from Three Staples)
It’s Tim’s birthday today, but he’s here with Andy and Johnny, and a very special guest: Jinnie, editor of the blog Three Staples! She talks about how her passion for Field Notes have become an obsession. Plus, we review the new Blackwing Volume 42, the Write Notepads 7th Anniversary edition, and lots more.
Read MoreEpisode 122: Mumbletrack
Finding the best blogs, podcasts, Instagrams, and photographers in our little world is hard enough. Try picking your favorite! Tonight, your hosts torture themselves picking just one from each category to include in this week’s List of Stationerysphere Superlatives.
We’re now talking pre-orders for Plumbago Magazine, Issue 6!
Read MoreEpisode 121: I'm Not Bossy. I'm the Boss (with special guest Caroline Weaver)
Teachers says you need a pencil case. You are tired of dropping your pencils down the library stairs. What to do? Tune in to episode 121 for a discussion of pencil cases with special guest Caroline Weaver.
Read MoreEpisode 120: Impossible Points
It’s been a few weeks, and some of our favorite companies have dropped some lovely new releases since we last recorded. We’ll be back next week with a special guest, but this week, we present another Fresh Points episode full of limited edition goodness.
Issue 6 of Plumbago Magazine is available for pre-order! Head over to the product page to place your pre-order, and save $2 per issue!
Read MoreEpisode 119: Johns Hopkins and the Half-a-Bluejays
Summer is upon us, and we are here to greet the season with a breezy Fresh Points episode featuring all of the Graphite Goodness you’ve come to expect for 119 episodes, including a discussion of the latest limited edition from Blackwing. If you can find points that are fresher, you listen to ‘em!
Read MoreEpisode 118: Spotify Take the Wheel
Today we get musical and chat about the music we listen to while writing. To accompany this episode, we put together a little Spotify playlist with our music suggestions, available in show notes.
Read MoreEpisode 117: Traumatic Tattoos
Andy is not with us tonight, but Tim and Johnny are joined by Mike Hagan, of Leadfast fame. Tune in for a short Fresh Points episode from the hairier co-hosts and bearded guest Mike!
Read MoreEpisode 116: Cedar Slob
Today as the weather gets warmer across much of North America, we’re talking about writing outside. We discuss some of our favorite places to write out of doors, from balconies to firepits to coffee shops. We have our preferred al fresco tools and methods, and of course, will mentally assemble our proverbial desert island pack.
Read MoreEpisode 115: Watermelon Slushies Every Single Day
In this episode, Ana, Caroline and Andi — your favorite hosts — go all in on some of their favorite non-pencil products, like lip balm, boxed wine, Imabari face towels, and more. They talk about where they get their best USPS postage stamp news, and how the Orchard Street Reading Society discusses books. We’re so excited you’ve stuck around for five years. Happy National Pencil Day, everyone!
Read MoreEpisode 114: A Natural Fit (with special guest Alexander Poirier)
We do a lot of speculating about Blackwing editions here on the show, but today, Andy and Johnny get the scoop straight from source, with our special guest: Blackwing Brand Manager Alexander Poirier! He discusses all things Blackwing, like the release of the extra-firm Blackwing Natural and the brand-new Volume 811, and even the ideation and creation process behind the Volumes editions. You won’t want to miss this!
Read MoreEpisode 113: The Whackbling
Erasable is five years old! Join Tim, Andy, and Johnny in this short episode for the Usual Fair of Tools of the Trade and Fresh Points and also a few looks back at five years of pencil podcasting.
This episode is one again sponsored by In Defense of Paper, making high-quality notebooks sourced and manufactured in the US. Visit indefenseofpaper.com/erasable to check them out, and use coupon code erasable to save $5 off your purchase.
Read MoreEpisode 112: Stationery is My Copilot (with special guest Bull Garlington)
Sign here, please. Tonight, we three hosts are joined by writer and signature expert Bull Garlington — the Analog Attorney — as we discuss developing your signature signature.
Read MoreEpisode 111: Eiffel Tower Points
Holy machined metal! Andy and Johnny are joined by Noah Bier from Brahman Design for the main topic of this episode, in which Erasable hosts a broadcast about pencil planes of international proportions.
This episode is one again sponsored by In Defense of Paper, making high-quality notebooks sourced and manufactured in the US. Visit indefenseofpaper.com/erasable to check them out, and use coupon code erasable to save $5 off your purchase.
Read MoreEpisode 110: Open-minded AF
Happy 2019! Andy, Johnny, and Tim present their current methods of organization and planning for the new year. Tune in to find out who is writing a book, who is using a ballpoint pen, and who has sworn off all forms of caffeine.
Read MoreEpisode 109: Expensive Things for the Desks We Don't Want (with special guest Mike Hagan)
The holidays are fast approaching, and we are here to solve all of your stationery related gift-giving issues. Tune in as Andy and Johnny are joined by Mike Hagan from Leadfast as we help you out during this stressful time of year, before which we share our own holiday dream wishlists.
This episode is one again sponsored by In Defense of Paper, making high-quality notebooks sourced and manufactured in the US. Visit indefenseofpaper.com/erasable to check them out, and use coupon code erasable to save $5 off your purchase.
Read MoreEpisode 108: Fondling Notebooks
It’s the end of National Novel Writing Month, the 50,000 word November writing sprint in which brave souls pound out the first draft of a novel in 30 days. Tonight Andy and Johnny are joined by Less Harper, of the RSVP Podcast and Comfortable Shoes Studio fame, to talk about how this year’s NaNo went and what we have learned for next year.
This episode is one again sponsored by In Defense of Paper, making high-quality notebooks sourced and manufactured in the US. Visit indefenseofpaper.com/erasable to check them out, and use coupon code erasable to save $5 off your purchase.
Read MoreEpisode 107: Election Chili
Seasons change. People change. Feelings change. It’s true for Exposé, and it’s true at Erasable. Every so often, we like to check back in with our current top 5 pencils. And Tim is back with us after a break; so this is a great night to check in. So check out our top pencil lists and details about other wonderfully pencilicious things.
This episode is sponsored by In Defense of Paper, making high-quality notebooks sourced and manufactured in the US. Check them out at InDefenseOfPaper.com/erasable, and use offer code “erasable” to save $5 at checkout.
Read MoreEpisode 106: Single Barrel Pencil (With special guest Henry Hulan III from the Musgrave Pencil Co)
You might have noticed the recent social media presence of Musgrave Pencil company, the 102 year old pencil company located in Pencil City, TN. We are very happy to be joined a little later by Henry Hulan, former president of Musgrave and grandson of its founder. Find out what it takes to keep an American pencil factory going for over a century and what exciting developments Musgrave has in store for us in the near future.
This episode is sponsored by In Defense of Paper, making high-quality notebooks sourced and manufactured in the US. Check them out at InDefenseOfPaper.com/erasable, and use offer code “erasable” to save $5 at checkout.
Episode 105: Way Past the Solstice
It’s that time of year. School is back in session. Sweaters are coming out of storage. Pumpkin Spice is a phrase uttered with either disgust or excitement. And our favorite stationery brands are releasing their fall releases. Tonight, we take a look at the latest offerings from Field Notes and Blackwing. Tune in to find out the best gear for Autumnal Reveries!
Special announcement: The theme of Issue 5 of Plumbago Magazine has been announced! Read more about that and pitch your idea!
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