A quiverful of a dozen Baron Fig Archer pencils. Photo by Andy Welfle.
Today, we’re excited to be the first to cover the birth of a brand-new pencil, the Baron Fig Archer. To celebrate, we’ve invited Joey Cofone and Adam Kornfield, the founders, onto the show to celebrate! We get graphitey and gritty with them as we discuss the company’s origins, its future and dig into the details of the Archer.
Erasable logo stickers are still on sale! Buy them now on the Erasable shop page.
Show Notes & Links
- Baron Fig Archer
- Andy's review of the Archer | Woodclinched
- Manuscripting Facebook Group
- No Plot? No Problem! | Amazon
- Penny Dreadful)
- The Crow: A Not-So-Scary Story | Amazon
- Tracing the Remarkable History of the Humble Pencil | NPR
- National Novel Writing Month
- The Pale Emperor | Amazon
- Nobody’s Fool by Richard Russo | Amazon
- 22, A Million by Bon Iver | Amazon
- Those Who Can’t
- Halt and Catch Fire
- WritersBlok NY 2017 Planner | Kikkerland
Our Guests
Joey Cofone
Adam Kornfield
Baron Fig
@BaronFig on Twitter
@BaronFig on Instagram
Your Hosts
Johnny Gamber
Pencil Revolution
Andy Welfle
@awelfle | @woodclinched