Maybe you’ve heard of the incredibly popular notebook brand Field Notes. Maybe you’ve heard us mention them a few times over the last six years. Tune in as we get to chat with Aaron Draplin, graphic designer extraordinaire, Field Notes inventor, and all-around awesome guy.
Warning: this episode has several R-rated words that we decided not to bleep out, due to the color and richness it lends to the conversation. You may not want to listen to this with kids.
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We’re not bringing you an episode about pencils this week, but instead a short message, and some resources for how you can work toward ending systemic racism in your community.
Black lives matter. Period.
If you’re in the United States, please consider a sustained donation to The Bail Project and other organizations working to bring judicial reform to our government.
Being non-racist is not enough: we need to learn how to be anti-racist. Author Ibram X. Kendi has an Anti-racist reading list for us as we begin and progress through our journey.
After the media event around the protests against police brutality inevitably ends, white people need to find ways to sustain our support. Tatiana Mac is a software engineer, a writer, and an activist, and has a great Twitter thread with practical ways to avoid burnout and keep up momentum.
Last week, one of our Facebook group members crowd-sourced a list of Black-owned stationery companies or shops that we could support. Here’s what we came up with:
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It’s been a long time since we updated our Top 5, and tonight’s the night! Tune in to find out what’s the same, what’s off the list, and what’s on.
This episode is sponsored by Kamikokuen, an online stationery shop selling vintage Japanese pencils and fun pencil-themed stickers. Save 20% on your order of 2 items or more, plus a fun sticker, with the coupon code ERASABLE20.
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Today’s episode is a short one, but don’t equate that with being light on subject material! We have a chat with Steven Lawson, the creator of a notebook organizational system called Monk Manual. He tells us about his holistic approach to helping people organize their lives and themselves — professionally, personally, and philosophically.
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Perhaps this year more than in years past, poetry can help to sustain us spiritually and intellectually during the COVID-19 pandemic. To help us wrap-up National Poetry Month, renowned poet and teacher Kiki Petrosino was kind enough to join us to talk poetry, writing, pencils, and how literature heals the soul.
Kiki’s new book, White Blood: A Lyric of Virginia comes out May 5! Order it from her publisher, Sarabande Books.
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The COVID-19 pandemic is still gripping the globe, and most of us are quarantined to some degree in our homes. To be human is to be connected with other humans, no matter how introverted we are. And letters are the natural way to reach out to other people for the Stationery Inclined. Join the Erasable hosts for a chat with Courtney Cochran, founder of the Snail Mail Social Club — all about letter-writing!
This episode is sponsored by Notegeist, an independent, one-stop stationery shop online. Use code ERASABLEFUN on your order of $30 or more to get a special goodie bag and 15% off Blackwing products. Limited to the first 50 orders or April 30, whichever is reached first.
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While March is Women’s History Month, we’re kicking off April with a question based on Virginia Woolf’s 1929 A Room of One’s Own — if you have a room of your own (man, woman, or nonbinary), what does it look like? What kind of stationery is in it to assure maximum productivity? How is this room serving you during remote work? And if you don’t have a room of your own at the moment, what does it look like in your dreams?
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Social distancing doesn’t mean we need to be socially isolated. On March 23, 2020, while the world is staying indoors and away from others to stem the surging tide of COVID-19, we recorded a special episode live, as Zoom webinar. We talk about how we’re occupying ourselves, our partners and our children with stationery, in order to stay happy and healthy during a supremely stressful time.
Because of the unusual nature of this episode, we do not have show notes for this episode.
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We are back from our Baltimore adventure, with stories to tell, tattoos to show off, and to celebrate our six years of podcasting. Tune in as we reminisce about our weekend together and rap about the new spring releases from Write Notepads, Field Notes, and Blackwing.
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(On February 28, 2020, Johnny, Tim and Andy met up in person — for the first time ever — in Baltimore to hang out, get tattoos, and record an episode in front of a live studio audience at the Baltimore Pen Show. This is that recording.)
Since we were recording in front of an audience at a pen show, we thought it only fitting to make the case for wood case — pencils, that is. Joined by pen show superstars Ana Reinert and Brad Dowdy, and fellow graphiteer Dade Scolardi from The Weekly Pencil and the RSVP Stationery Podcast, we laid out what we hope is a compelling case for those who are into fancy fountain pens to pick up and consider a humble wooden pencil.
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We have been talking about the exciting new brand and marketing efforts of Musgrave for a few months now. Tonight, we are lucky to have creative directors Nicole and Tim Delger on the show with us, to chat about rebranding an American pencil icon.
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We are lucky enough to be joined again by Lady Graphite herself, Caroline Weaver. Her new book Pencils You Should Know is out this week! Tune in to hear all about some of the pencils whose stories are featured.
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It’s nearly a month into the new year. How is your organization system working out? Tonight, we are joined by our friend Caitlin Elgin, to talk about getting our crap together for 2020.
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We are ringing in the New Year with special guest Brian Manning, owner of Portland’s new Revolutions Bookshop. Tune in to learn about the adventures of running an independent bookstore in the Age of Amazon. Plus, a dramatic reading of a Gilmore Girls novel, as a treat.
This episode is brought to you by Notegeist, an online, curated stationery shop, re-launching January 9. Be among the first 40 people to use the coupon code ERASABLES to get a goodie bag with your purchase of $10 or more.
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The year is almost over, and as you rush around in a panic over what to get the very specific type of people in your life, don’t worry. We have your back. Join us for mini roundups of our most used tools and our brand new gifting guide, from the middle aged coworker who thinks pencils are for kids, to your third cousin whose main hobby is whittling decoy ducks for hunters!
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With new releases from Field Notes, Musgrave and Blackwing, tonight we tackle all of the Freshest Points at the setting of Autumn 2019.
We’re pleased to announce the Baron Fig x Erasable #2 Squire, now on sale only until December 13, 2019! Buy yours today and help send us to the Baltimore Pen Show!
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Join us for our usual pencil goodness and, later, as Johnny and Tim join forces with Ted Walker and Adam Webb from the Take Note Podcast to talk the real skinny about getting into NaNoWriMo.
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At the start of National Novel Writing Month, join your three hosts for a discussion about the month ahead -- as well as details about our brand-new Patreon program.
Check our our new Patreon page! Please consider lending your support for our show and future programming by pledging a small amount of money each month. It helps keep us accountable to you, and to develop new programming. Thank you!
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Tim, Johnny, and Andy talk stick to a papery set of fresh points this episode, digging into the latest releases from Field Notes, Write Notepads, and Baron Fig. Andy talks too much about video games, and Tim regales us with his stories from visiting the Hemingway House in Key West.
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Filled notebooks. We all have them. Or, we don’t, because we burn them or otherwise dispose of them. Tonight, join Andy, Johnny, and Tim for a somewhat personal episode about what your hosts do with notebooks and journals that are full of their writing.
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