Episode 163: Fresh Points of Guinness

Today we’re keeping it simple with just a Fresh Points episode, covering everything from Blackwing’s rerelease of a pencil they’re still selling, Bob Dylan’s pocket notebooks, pencil t-shirts, and a bevy of recommendations for what Andy should pick up after he finishes his current notebook.

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Episode 161: Ecstatic Høvel Talk

Andy and Tim have wrested control of the show back away from the devious (yet iconic) duo of Johnny and Charlotte, and we’re talking once again to Noah Bier from Makers Cabinet about their brand new Kickstarter project, a pencil extender called The Ferrule.

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Episode 160: Pencil Ain't Forever

You might notice something…strange about this week’s podcast. Do not adjust your podcatcher. What you are hearing is happening in Real Life and in Real Time.


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Episode 159: Blackwing 100!

Since our recording schedule and the Blackwing and Field Notes quarterly release schedule didn’t line up, we’re keeping it short today to talk about fresh points: zines, old city street guides, and an exciting announcement about the 8th issue of Plumbago Magazine.

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Episode 157: Correct Me if You're Wrong

Sometimes there are pencils that you almost love. Almost. Something holds you back, and you just can’t get these pencils to work out for you. Tonight, we examine the pencils that almost make it to our best-of lists but which we nonetheless loathe.

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Episode 147: The Pen Dentist (with special guest Jesi Raine)

We’re giving you, our faithful listeners, a special preview of something we’re trying out for our Patreon supporters — an episode of our inky offshoot show, The Indelible Podcast. After our tools of the trade and fresh points, vintage fountain pen restorer Jesi Raine of Vintage Pen Shop will be joining us to talk about the history of Esterbrook pens, and how she rehabs them.

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Episode 146: Pencils My Grandmother Had (with special guest Dave T from Pencil Fodder)

Tonight, we are time traveling: through three times zones and far into the past. Dave T from Pencil Fodder joins us for a discussion of vintage pencils and maybe even how modern pencil manufacturers can learn from what older makers got right.

This episode is sponsored by Notegeist, an online purveyor of fine stationery. Through August 5, use the coupon code ERASABLE146 to save 10% off your order of $30 or more, and to get a free Unemployed Philosopher’s Guild notecard.

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