Being ecologically-minded citizens of the world, we don't like the idea of just throwing away perfectly good paper and pencils. This is especially salient this time of year, when kids are bringing home piles of stuff from their desks and lockers. Tune in this week for a discussion of what to do with all that material.
Read MoreEpisode 182: Rob Thomas Over Here
It’s the unofficial start to summer in the United States, and we’re here with white pants and pencils to check in before school is out and everyone starts going on vacations. We cover lots of summer goodness, from Baronfig’s latest journal to cross-country hitchhiking.
Read MoreEpisode 181: That Qualifies as a Quest (with special guest Caroline Weaver)
Before our upcoming book club, Caroline Weaver was kind enough to join us for an invigorating discussion about contemporary book clubs, and updates us on what’s going on in her world. Don’t forget to read up on Matthew Battles’ Palimpsest before the next episode in mid-May!
Read MoreEpisode 180: How the Sausage Is Made
We’re getting ready to launch into a few episodes discussing our book club book, Palimpsest, but before we do that, let’s have a short little episode to talk about Fresh Points and some cool stuff we’re reading, seeing and hearing. Plus, a poem for Johnny by Erasable Poet Laureate Jay Newton.
Read MoreEpisode 179: I am Also Pro Tree
Happy International Pencil Day, folks! It’s officially spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and we have some fun spring releases to discuss in all of their copper and yellow glory. Tune in for our quarterly look at the seasonal releases from some of our favorite brands.
Read MoreEpisode 178: It's Awl Good (with special guest Ashleigh Coaxum, owner of The Paper Herald)
Tonight, the guys are joined by Ashleigh Coaxum, the proprietor of Baltimore’s newest stationery shop, The Paper Herald. Ashleigh talks about her stationery origin story, what it’s like to open a shop during the pandemic, and some of the cool stuff she stocks. Plus: new Field Notes, a book club announcement, and — don’t worry — plenty of bad puns.
Read MoreEpisode 177: I Love the Feel of Cellulose in the Morning
Tonight, we are talking about the morning — morning pages, to be precise. We take a deep dive into Julia Cameron’s prescription for an enhanced creative life and talk about our own experiences with this practice.
Read MoreEpisode 176: We Don't Talk About BuJo
We’re well into 2022, so we would be remiss if we didn’t talk about planners! We discuss how we keep track of appointment and to-dos, and whether or not we can avoid digital calendars (answer: no).
Read MoreEpisode 175: I Guess I Like Ben Affleck?
It’s been a few weeks since you heard our voices, but we’re back for a fun new year of pencil podcasting! We go through some fresh points, like Johnny’s bookbinding supplies, Andy’s new desk, and Tim’s Try-Rex. Thanks for all of your support through 2021!
Read MoreEpisode 174: Anything but the Chipmunks! (with special guest Less Harper)
Tonight, our good friend (and RSVP co-host) Less Harper joins us for a chat about bookbinding, the craft that she and Johnny practice to produce unique creations to hold our thoughts and sketches. We also talk about the new Field Notes, several new releases from Blackwing, and So Much More™.
Read MoreEpisode 173: Unconvincing Wigs
This week, we’re looking back on 2021 and talking about what we’re most thankful for — both within the stationery community, and beyond. Plus, we take a look at some of the newest Blackwing X collabs, a few of the new Musgrave stuff, and a discussion around Wes Anderson’s new movie, which might be peak Wes Andserson.
Read MoreEpisode 172: National Zine Writing Month (with special guest Jemellia Hilfiger)
It’s the annual EraNaNoWriMoSHOW! Join Andy, Johnny, Tim and special guest Jemellia for a discussion of NaNo’s past, present, and future.
Read MoreEpisode 171: We Fired Tim
Okay, not really! But for tonight it’s just Johnny and Andy, talking about just the Fresh Points. We have some new Field Notes, new Blackwings, a new Squire, and other cool things, including one (or two) last orders from our friends at CW Pencil Enterprise.
Read MoreEpisode 170: Store-Bought Pencils
This week, Tim throws us a curveball. Last week, he asked us what our least favorite pencils are, and then he told us that we should only use that pencil for a couple weeks. In this episode, we discuss our experiences. Plus: a set of bummer fresh points, from a friend who lost his stash in a flood, to our favorite pencil store closing.
Read MoreEpisode 169: Bust Out the Bone Folder
Paper is paper, right? Well, only if you think that pencils are pencils. In this week’s episode, your hosts talk about Unicorn Paper — that special formulation that works well with both pencils and fountain pens. Plus: we discuss our LEAST favorite pencil, and Tim makes us write with them all week to discuss in our next episode.
Read MoreEpisode 168: Bring Us Your Weird
This week, we are down one pencil podcaster and up one pen superpodcaster. Brad Dowdy of the Pen Addict joins us to tie up our trio while Andy is away for the week. ZINES! Ever since Ed Kemp launched Pencil of the Week a few years ago and, especially, since he was a guest on this podcast’s Episode 150, zines have been blowing up among stationery content creators and consumers. In this episode, Brad, Tim and Johnny chat about the connection between zines and stationery and the role that these self-published gems play in the larger stationery community.
Read MoreEpisode 167: Sadsplaining to Johnny
Join us for a chat about the pencils that we each used during elementary school. With a 9 year age gap between our hosts, coming during the crucial years of a trade agreement with China and the onset of the shrinking of the American pencil industry, we’re sure to have a variety of pencils to talk about! Plus: Olympics, new Field Notes, and many, many green ink samples.
Read MoreEpisode 166: Vacu-Sharp (Patent Pending)
Well, we inadvertently took a summer break so after a month off, we’re back to talk through our collected Fresh Points: from the new Blackwing 64 to an update from Tim about how it’s going with his new electric sharpener.
Read MoreEpisode 165: Someone to Squeal At (with special guest Caitlin Elgin)
Do you write in your books? Tonight, our special guest Caitlin Elgin joins us to talk about marginalia — why you might want to write them, and how you might want to write them. In fact, one of use does not write in his books, and maybe we can convince him to start. Or not.
Read MoreEpisode 164: They Had to Math That
Tonight, we’re celebrating Field Notes’s fiftieth Colors edition — uh, Fifty — with a pocket notebook retrospective: How did we first encounter Field Notes? What’s our favorite editions for aesthetics? Color? Writing experience? Plus: an amazing new sampler pack from Musgrave.
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